We offer a set of strategic IT services to help you make informed decisions regarding the technology you use and how IT can help grow your business.

IT Governance, Policy and Planning
We feel that providing great IT services starts with an IT Policy, Governance and Planning. For a lot of our customers, we will review or create an IT Policy, provide a structure for governance and planning.
IT Health Reporting
Our focus is to always ensure that you know the health and status of your IT environment. To do this we provide custom real-time IT Health Dashboards using Power BI that report on your specific KPIs. This could range from hardware asset lifecycle to uptime of the infrastructure used to support your key customer services.
IT Consulting
We understand that your business is constantly changing, as part of our services, we offer advisory/strategic IT consultation on a monthly basis as part of our contract. This can be in addition to or in replacement of CIO/CTO resources.
Talk to us today about consulting for your business.
Strikeforce automates onboarding and integration between Office 365, Active Directory and their HR
Automation Office 365
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Automation Office 365
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